Bone carving of Tamanuitera
In the Maori culture Tamanuiterā refers to the Sun. The sun, Tamanuiterā, is considered a powerful and life-giving force, associated with warmth, growth, and the passage of time. In traditional Māori beliefs, Tamanuiterā has a spiritual and mythological role, as well as a practical importance in guiding the rhythm of daily life, seasons, and agricultural cycles.
Bone carving (whakairo) in Māori culture is an intricate and highly symbolic art form. It is traditionally done using materials like whale bone, human bone, or the bones of large animals. The designs in bone carving often carry deep spiritual meanings, and each piece can tell a story, link to ancestors (whakapapa), or symbolize elements of the natural world.
When the image of Tamanuiterā is incorporated into bone carvings, it carries profound spiritual significance. Here’s how:
Life and Vitality: Tamanuiterā is the source of light and warmth. In carvings, he may represent life, energy, and growth. The sun's rays nourish plants and animals, sustaining life on Earth, so carvings representing Tamanuiterā are often linked to vitality and the continuation of life.
Time and Cycles: The sun’s journey across the sky symbolizes the passing of time. Bone carvings depicting Tamanuiterā may symbolize the cycles of life and death, the transition from night to day, and the ever-changing nature of existence.
Protection and Guidance: The sun provides guidance and protection. Māori navigators historically relied on the sun and stars to travel across the oceans. In bone carvings, Tamanuiterā may be invoked as a guardian who provides clarity, direction, and protection.
Connection to Ancestors and the Divine: In Māori cosmology, the natural world and the spiritual world are interconnected. The sun, as a celestial body, is linked to the atua (gods) and ancestors. A bone carving of Tamanuiterā could act as a talisman, connecting the wearer to divine energy and the wisdom of ancestors.
Transformation: The sun is associated with growth and transformation, taking seeds from the earth and bringing them to life. This transformative power can also symbolize personal growth, change, and the cycle of rebirth. Bone carvings of Tamanuiterā can reflect this process of renewal, both in the physical and spiritual sense.
In summary, Tamanuiterā’s incorporation into bone carving blends the artistic and spiritual, embodying the connection between the natural and supernatural realms, life cycles, and protection.
Measurements: 145 mm length plus 40 mm width:
Packaging: black leather box with white inner pad.
Adjustable wax cord to fit the wearer.
Bone has been blessed by carver.